Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 6:00 p.m (includes Fashion Show)
Adrienne's Fines Resale Boutique
2287 Peachtree Road, N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30309
Hello Fashionistas! It's Thrifting Atlanta Fashion Week. A week full of fun shopping and entertainment with the fashionable fashionistas of Atlanta. We all have that fabulous cocktail dress in our closet we are longing to wear. Well, here is your chance!!!!! Grab that cocktail dress or better yet, head out to your neighborhood thrift store and grab a fabulous cocktail dress, then come on out for cocktails in your cocktail dress. We all need that night where we get glammed up red carpet style and have fun, food and network with fellow fashionistas. Go to for full details and RSVP today! (See Flyer Below for Details(

Love this dress!